
Kryolan Rubber Mask Grease 6 colour palette

Kryolan Bubber Mask Grease it for use on latex and foam pieces.

It comes in 2 palettes of 6 colours.

Flesh with light to mediumcolours. 1W 2W 3W 4W 5W 6W This is the most popular palette


Flesh with mixed light and dark shades. 6W F1 072 F2 8W 10W

Linning colours, White 079(red) 510(dk blue) Yellow(509) Green(512) Black


This grease make-up can be applied with a brush or sponge


It is always best to powder when finished.

Look under Powders for a translucent powder.

Manufacturer: Kryolan
SKU: 2587
  • Flesh Tones Light to Medium
    Flesh Tones Light to Medium
  • Flesh tones light to dark
    Flesh tones light to dark
  • Linning Primary colours
    Linning Primary colours